On May 10, 2010 Americans for Free Choice in Medicine sponsored an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC: Redeeming Reform: What Health Care Reform Could and Ought to Be.

This video was my contribution to this important event. It is my first public speech since last fall.

My voice may be weak, but the idea is strong: a proper, and moral, health care policy–and proper reform–must begin with the moral conviction that each person’s life belongs to him, not to the state. Each person is individually endowed with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The purpose of government is to secure these rights, not to blast them aside in order to forcibly redistribute the wealth, efforts and lives of the citizens of this nation.

My thanks to Richard Ralston of AFCM for arranging this event, and to the many other participants who have dedicated their efforts to proper health care reform.